Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thursday Musings

 To say I frequent the Senior Center Thrift Store is an understatement.

My car drives me there. An auto pilot sort of thing. I have very little say. 

I love to look at the rolled up fabric. Sometimes I find cut quilt squares... I have not sewn in five years. Yet, I am drawn - in a nostalgic way - to the fabric. Especially if it has a vintage feel-

Sometimes I have wrapped gifts in the fabric. I have made buntings and garlands with them. Marilyn has a bunting in her greenhouse that I made her several years ago with thrift store fabric. 

But as I looked around our home today, around clutter and books, fabric, some toys the kids no longer play with - I realized re-purposing and purging is what should be done today and tomorrow. 

I hate for things to be thrown away if I can re-purpose them or if someone else can use them. I am all about that. 

A couple of days a week, the Senior Center gets day old bread and produce that is ripe to over ripe. Avocados, peppers, strawberries, often times bananas, apples... and have helped many people out on many days. The food is free.  The bin was almost empty a couple of weeks ago. An elderly couple, maybe 85 pulled a couple of bags of apples out of the bin. I pulled out one of the last bags. I knew apples that were bruised could be fed to our horse. 

As I pulled the bag out, the apples were smooshy, very soft. At that point I did not really plan to take them. The older woman said to me "I can't wait to go home and make apple crisp with these! If you are going to bake them, it does not matter if they are soft." Her husband smiled. 

A true example of not wanting anything to be wasted. 

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Chilly days, good days

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