Friday, November 25, 2022

Thankful hearts!

 It was good to be with family on Thanksgiving! We went out to Vic's. The dinner was absolutely delicious - a beautiful group effort. 

Here are a few fun pictures. 

Hazel and Nova

Fischer and Kendal

Quinn and Cricket

Quinn - little beauty 

I am so thankful for family - young and old. 

It is so so good to have Merit home. 
I will try to get a pic of our 4 kids today.

It is foggy, dark, cold today! A great day for the spin bike - a good show - hot tea - leftovers...

 Our internal voice - although we are allowed to scream good things too - becomes habit. 

I am enough. It is good to whisper this or yell it if you live in the country 😅

It is really easy to miss those we love who are gone when there is that empty spot at the dining table. 

This time of year can be hard with being hard on ourselves; feeling we should do more, be more. Our best is enough.

Give yourself Grace

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Chilly days, good days

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