Sunday, July 24, 2022

Random goodness

 My sis Natasha is a rock star! Well, both of my sisters are! And they are overcoming pain and obstacles that I wish they did not have to face. 

Natasha is home! Recovering from her hysterectomy, she had internal bleeding prior to surgery. 

Life is so strange and so good. 

Raising an adult along with three minors feels like new territory and I wonder daily about the advice I give, along with the advice I don't give, and I laugh at things that maybe I should not laugh at and I thank God for these kids. 

I kind of started feeling sorry for myself yesterday. Pity parties are so dumb and when I have one, I wish I hadn't.

Some days I wish that several things were different. 

But many days, I know this is the reality I am called to live.

Lesha introduced us to Everything Bagel Humus this month. wow it is good and it is so good with wheat thins, bagel chips, bagels, the list goes on. 

Hazel and I both reached in the bag for the last wheat thin tonight and she said "MOM, you have it." I did the "no, no, you eat it." 

"But mom, I am saving it for you!"

The last wheat thin, it spoke volumes. 

Merit pitched today, he did great. A dad stops him and shakes his hand, complimenting him on his performance, sharing that he gets the job done - MJ style -

Moments like these. 

Willem is comic relief on a daily basis and I can't really even grasp how funny this kid is. He is LOVING life as a tan, in shape, hard working, 16 year old who SOAKS IT ALL UP. 

How are these teenagers so smart to know that time is fleeting?

And when I sort of look around wondering where my village is, I am quickly reminded, they are all around me. And I am quickly reminded that I need to speak love, encouragement, and kindness to others because I am so blessed by THEIRS.

How's that for random?

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...