Sunday, July 17, 2022

God be our guide

It has been a week of learning and a week of summer beauty...

Annika and Elliot were wed last night


Merit is having a ball in Boise with some terrific ball being played.

We are eating so well here. Going out for some fun dinners! Enjoying these long summer days. 

 I went for three bike rides Thursday, all of them by myself. Often Willem goes with me, sometimes Merit and every now and again Vance, Hazel, or Oren. 

Thursday it was just me. 

I hit 1,000 miles on my bike. 

I typically take the same route, it is nothing too strenuous in fact, I know I should push myself a little more. 

Willem said he noticed I walk with people a lot. Vance or Oren here, Shannon in town... sometimes Marie. He told me how much he enjoys walking alone. 

Well that little tidbit along with the heat maybe keeping others away, I set out on my bike by myself. 

The day before had some really rough patches and I started to reflect on the rough patches. Reflection happens best in quiet spaces. I had this knowledge that I could not longer tolerate certain behaviors. I said it really wimpy in my mind the first time "I don't think I have the energy to tolerate this anymore." I didn't like how it sounded. So then I said it with more conviction,  "I don't want to tolerate these behaviors anymore." Ending with, "I will not tolerate the behaviors any longer."

What I pray for in the wee hours of the morning is clarity. When it arrives, it is a thing of beauty.

I feel a little raw in sharing this, but if it can help anyone else - even one person - I feel like sharing is important.

I whisper regularly -God be my guide-

This kid! PURE JOY

Desert Love

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...