Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Terrific Tuesday

 I had a few days last week that were wonky, a little depressing. 

Guess who made my attitude sunnier and my laughter come out a little more? A class full of second graders. 

These people can be really good for big people. 

Their learning is amazing! 

-added bonus, Oren is in this class

Run Club

Longview’s kids can run laps at lunch - outside! Why I love this;

It’s great exercise!

Running lets off energy and a little steam! 

It’s an activity that kids can do together and cheer one another on! 

*I got to leave at lunch today and get an iced latte.*

I read these kids a few of my all time favorite books!



On the home front, the barn is coming along. 

Baseball is in FULL SWING!

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