Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Terrific Tuesday

 I had a few days last week that were wonky, a little depressing. 

Guess who made my attitude sunnier and my laughter come out a little more? A class full of second graders. 

These people can be really good for big people. 

Their learning is amazing! 

-added bonus, Oren is in this class

Run Club

Longview’s kids can run laps at lunch - outside! Why I love this;

It’s great exercise!

Running lets off energy and a little steam! 

It’s an activity that kids can do together and cheer one another on! 

*I got to leave at lunch today and get an iced latte.*

I read these kids a few of my all time favorite books!



On the home front, the barn is coming along. 

Baseball is in FULL SWING!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Grandma Alma

I can't begin to express the memories I have "visited" and the range of emotions I have felt over the last three days.

My Grandma Alma lived a full life. And she loved so deeply even after experiencing such deep loss. 

I am lucky to be able to feel the emotions and visit the memories with these girls. 

I walked this trail alone yesterday morning before I left Lynden. 
I realized what a "constant" Grandma Alma was. 
It is not that often that one meets someone as genuine, forgiving, and loving as her. 


Sunday, March 20, 2022


Merit's finals sounded tough, especially math -

I am so thankful for the people whispering prayers over this. 

It is hard when our kids are stressed and far away.

Warriors split their double header yesterday. This team has an energy!


Last week was a good week. I subbed in second and third graders. Our horse barn is taking shape. The kids are doing well in school. 

In chicken news;

 I can't identify my egg breaker. 

I moved two hens to the small coop. My Rhode Island Red (the suspect) is not guilty. Neither is Cornelious.

So, I grab my chicken wrangler Hazel and we head out to do some coop moving. I have had six eggs in the last week (so lame because I have seven hens) all but one were broken. 

I wonder if we should raise rabbits instead.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Yesterday was a heavy day and a raw day. 
An 8th grade boy brought a gun, ammo, and a list of people he intended to target to Chief Mo Middle School. 
My heart breaks. 
I am so incredibly grateful for the student(s) who stepped forward, having gotten word of his plan. 
*see something
*say something
Our district officers and Chief Mo staff handled all of this so quickly. We are so thankful no one was injured.

There is a lot of heaviness. 
So much prayer needed. 

Ohhhh these hens have been looking forward to these warmer days


Saturday, March 12, 2022


 BASEBALL is upon us

This is just so fun! It is supposed to be 60 degrees today. Willem will play JV first game, Varsity second game.

Merit's weekend games are canceled (bummer) and he hopes to head home after their scrimmage today. It has been five or six weeks since he has been here. Hazel and Oren said if he does not come home soon, they will beg to head there !

Hazel and Oren are out at the site of the to be barn - doing a little horse barn dreamin'

These verses are a blessing to me today; 

He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love.

Zepheniah 3:17

The Lord will be a refuge... in times of trouble. Psalm 9:9

Friday, March 11, 2022

Happy Friday!

 I laughed several times Wednesday in a second grade class I subbed in. Out loud.

They were blurters.

They tattled. 

But they reminded each other to be good listeners. 

They reminded each other to try to earn the next letter in the word PARTY so they could get a PARTY. 

Their learning was alive. The beauty of that learning happening directly in front of me. 

I read the Perfect Pig (love that book)! And Goldilocks and the Three Bears and their eyes ... and the quiet room ... it felt really good. 

Sometimes when I teach, I have some energy renewed. It happened yesterday. 

Oren is raising money for the American Heart Association. This kid! He has a heart for others. 

The support had been phenomenal! 

Happy chickens - hoping for warmer weather and more bugs... enjoying dirt baths when they can....

Willem has a couple of baseball games tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


We took our hike Friday - the weather was perfect~! 

Yesterday was gorgeous! 

Today it is trying to spit snow! 

It must be March. 

Love this beauty! So close by! 

Great weather for a hike!


Monday, March 7, 2022


Merit is so appreciating the guys on his team and life in Walla Walla! They traveled to Mt Hood this past weekend. Merit called me as the team was walking into Apple Bees Saturday night - this is all just right up his alley. 

Their days are full. The days are getting longer, more time to see the field. 

He really makes me laugh when he shares the particulars. Math is tough so carving out enough time for that is proving to be somewhat challenging these March days.

We miss him a lot.

Tasha, Reese, and girls were here this past weekend. 

Seeing Tasha here, first hand with big chunks of time allowed me a clearer picture of this extensive journey since her transplant.

She is a strong woman. She is an overcomer.

Headaches are a common side effect from some of the meds. 

She is really immune suppressed so we are hoping and praying those white blood cells can increase. 

Some medications make her shaky too. She starts off great in the morning but then that issue can become more difficult as the day goes on. 

We hiked Lake Lenore Caves so that felt pretty cool! She could not have done that a year ago. So having that ability to make that climb with a heart that CAN handle it, it is a blessing.

What I love is there is so much hope - HOPE in a new HEART and HOPE in the name of Jesus.

And your life will be brighter than the noon day; its darkness will be like the morning. And you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and find rest in security. Job 11:17-19

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


SO fun to see DREAMS COME TRUE! 

Amazing opportunities


FIVE Blessings on this drizzly Wednesday


Willem in the middle of try out week - (his hard work and attitude are awesome) 

College Baseball for MJ 

The month of March

Encouraging Friends

My head and eye still hurt. Prayers so appreciated. Hoping that my glasses that will arrive on or around the seventh will help ease this. 

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...