Tuesday, December 28, 2021


 A few days after Christmas and I think a heaviness sort of looms. So I am going to take the next week to share blessing stories. Good for my heart and attitude...


About 18 months ago, Merit, Willem, and I were in the Winco parking lot and we saw two women start to yell at an old man pulling slowly forward in an older Ford pick up with a canopy. 

"You hit her car!" "STOP!" "You hit my daughter's car!" 

The old man rolled down the passenger window. We could not see his face but quickly realized some confusion had set in. The women's car was only a few down from ours so we sort of waited and watched the strange scenario pan out. 

"There's a mark!" yelled an irrational woman.

She was the mother of the other. 

The man got out and was either a fabulous actor or had no idea he had barely scratched the car and may be had NOT scratched the car. 

They asked for his insurance card. He fumbled through his glove box. We did not get closer than 8 or 10 feet but could not see a mark. 

Say he did hit it, or scrape his door against it....their approach was rude. I have a lot of kind people in my life and a few who go with the "rude approach style" - I suppose  we all do. 

Well, that ruined his day. 

I had just purchased a WINCO gift card... I was not sure for who...

We followed him home. 

We affectionately nick named him "Winco Grandpa".

He lived simply - a mile or so from Winco. Merit and Willem left the gift card on his front porch,

Fast forward many months. We had some extra boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts (a fundraiser Willem did two days after Thanksgiving) I can't remember which boy said "You know where we are taking one of these boxes... to Winco grandpa!"

And we did. 

These boys do things like this on the regular and being in their court, a huge blessing. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...