Thursday, December 30, 2021

Dollar Tree memory

 A few weeks ago, after my grandma had died but before we headed to Lynden for her service Merit and I had such an interesting experience at Dollar Tree. It was a day that I especially needed some signs from God and some acts of human kindness. 

 A man was buying $87 worth of frozen burritos and hot pockets! He had walked there and had six bags (at least) to carry home. He was very polite to the cashier and she asked him many questions about his purchase, also about his hip that seemed to be really bothering him. Without the cart he walked with a cane. She commented "you must have a big freezer!" 

He said no, he did not have a freezer and that he left his bedroom window open and stored his food just below it. He said he had a rented room. Granted it was probably 30 degrees then, not 5 like it has been lately. 

He said it was pretty much his source of food and nutrition and he ate four a day! 

She asked him about his hip, noticing he was trying not to place any weight on one side. He said it hurt so much worse in the cold and that he was still hoping to get surgery. 

I turned around two or three times to see the young man behind me in awe of this story and also to see Merit just wide eyed. 

The man left with his cane and bags of frozen burritos and hot pockets, walking very painfully. 

Merit and I got in the car. I suggested we pick the man up. He looked to be late twenties, looked harmless... just as Merit and I were discussing this, the young man that paid behind us ran out of the store and met the man on the sidewalk. I had tears in my eyes. He told him to wait, he would go get his car, and take he and his groceries home. 

The helpful man got in his beat up car ....He pulled into a nearby parking lot and helped the man get his hot pockets and burritos in the trunk. We drove there in our car wished them a Merry Christmas and gave them a little gift. 

Because I am nosey and concerned we learned where the young man with the hip injury lived. Merit brought him a little something last week. I hope we can continue to find ways to bless this man.

Makes me stop

If we have food in our fridge and food on our table, it is something truly to be thankful for. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...