Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sunday update

Nellie girl! 
Best dog! 

She did a good job hunting in North Dakota with Vance. 

I love selling stuff here. 

Reunited and it feels so good! 
Our pond is an irrigation pond - we ran dry last week.
Willem - master fisherman over here - saved all but two fish!! 
Our two ducks have LOVED pond life since April. And we have enjoyed visiting them down there. 
Our mallard quickly found her way to the creek (she is a flyer) once the pond was dry. 
Our white peking was lonesome. Crying and hollering. Until two days later she made it down to the creek!! 
What a sight it was when I found the two of them together! 
And now each day a few times, I step out onto our deck and see these two friends, down on the creek together!

We did this after work/school Friday! 

Shopping at the Favored Farmhouse

Our loft has really taken shape and I had fun doing some picture collages to hang above the laundry counter. 


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Chilly days, good days

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