Monday, November 8, 2021

Happy Monday


5 thanksgivings on this glorious morning! 

1) Children's books! 

My world and many children's worlds have been opened up because of them! Adults too

2) Natasha's RECOVERY!!

3) God's clarity when I remain prayerful!

4) New Recipes!

5) The 2 1/2 day sale I did with friends was a huge success!

Merit had a change in pigment on his torso when he came back two weeks ago. Seemed odd, not too concerning. Saturday he showed me again and it had gotten increasingly worse. I felt pretty worried when I saw it. We have had a hard time finding light heartedness here and I realize we are sometimes guilty of doing more trudging through the day than enjoying. 

Because I have not been light hearted I think I worried more about Merit's skin than I otherwise would have. 

He went to the doc yesterday and it is nothing serious. A fungal thing and he went back to Walla Walla with a prescription. YAY!

The sale I did with Linda and gang drew so many cool people! Friendly people and we sold so so much. It was good company and a good event! 

We also went to Piper Barn this weekend! Oh that barn is amazing!

We had some chicken wrangling happening here yesterday that I will have to touch on next time around! 

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Chilly days, good days

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