Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Night!

 These kids are busy and LEARNING and enjoying being in school. I love these ages and stages!

WWCC hired a new coach.

I am praying it all goes well. 

Merit is working hard at his studies, also at baseball.

Wild Will is rocking it in football! 

His sophomore grades are terrific! This kid is an IN PERSON learner!

Hazel is loving middle school. 

Oren is a kind, engaged, obedient second grader! 

Our kids rarely fight (we are so so lucky) but Hazel and Oren have been bickering and pestering more lately. It makes me tired. And it makes me realize how lucky I am to deal with this very little. 

I am teaching, taking pictures, getting ready for a Holiday show/event!

And I am praying that God's mercies are new every morning. 

There are challenges.

These two! 

We are enjoying new spaces.

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