Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Night!

 These kids are busy and LEARNING and enjoying being in school. I love these ages and stages!

WWCC hired a new coach.

I am praying it all goes well. 

Merit is working hard at his studies, also at baseball.

Wild Will is rocking it in football! 

His sophomore grades are terrific! This kid is an IN PERSON learner!

Hazel is loving middle school. 

Oren is a kind, engaged, obedient second grader! 

Our kids rarely fight (we are so so lucky) but Hazel and Oren have been bickering and pestering more lately. It makes me tired. And it makes me realize how lucky I am to deal with this very little. 

I am teaching, taking pictures, getting ready for a Holiday show/event!

And I am praying that God's mercies are new every morning. 

There are challenges.

These two! 

We are enjoying new spaces.

Monday, October 25, 2021

A Monday night update


Oh! Pumpkin Patches! 

Two of my very favorite things are pumpkin patches and Christmas tree farms! 

Today was busy and fun! The fall colors were gorgeous and the weather a bit blustery!

I subbed first grade for half a day, then I picked up Hazel and her darling friend Jenny from middle school! We went to Longview and picked up Oren. The girls fondly shared Longview memories. They were 5th graders there last year. Then I took a beautiful senior's pics while the kids ran and played. And at 5:15 we all headed to Lion's field for a terrific football game! The game resulted in a great win for our JV Chiefs!

Tomorrow will be busy and fun too! I will teach third grade all day and take senior pictures after.


Natasha has a biopsy tomorrow at UW Medical Center. Praying that it is normal. Prayers for continued health and for healing. She is doing well!

The last biopsy showed more rejection than the docs were comfortable with so she was admitted and spent a couple of nights there. We are just hoping this report is great - we so appreciate your prayers and your care!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Pool Pond

Our pond is an irrigation pond. It stops being fed about mid- October. Our water has been dwindling since.

We have enjoyed it so much since March when it was filled! 

We went out today in an effort to catch the last remaining fish. We caught three. Let me rephrase that, Willem caught three! We caught a bunch of crawdads too. 

Now I am wondering how many fish are left. Ten maybe? Maybe less. 

We will help our ducks find their way down the creek. They have certainly been living a good life! 


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Weary Traveler

This journey for Tasha is amazing. A new heart being a wonderful, needed gift. 

A new heart, at age 39. What a road to travel. 

I have missed our mom in huge ways over the last few months.

She would be one of Natasha's main "people" if she were here. She needs lots of people right now! And our mom would be willing, loving, easy, kind ... 

Natasha looks good. She loves her home, her bed, her family.

Looking out her windows is sort of story book like. It is a good place to heal. 

Natasha had to go back to the hospital Tuesday - they saw more rejection when they read the biopsy. She is home now. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Happy 19th Birthday Merit!

His work ethic, his humor, his drive, his compassion for others...

He has such an impact on those around him! 

I can hardly believe this "kid" is 19!!! 



Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...