Tuesday, July 6, 2021

4th of July weekend

Talk about fun
Port Angeles, Washington

Getting here was no easy feat, on several levels

Vance, Willem, Hazel, and Oren were lucky enough to head up to King Salmon, Alaska to stay at his uncle's fish camp. Vance and I struggled with making plans for the dog, cat, chickens and garden as we planned to leave in 115 heat. The heat was getting to our brains and our planning stunk. We decided to board Nellie and asked our friend Maria to do a check in on everything else here. 
Nellie was not up to date on vaccinations and so many vets were booked a week plus out. Well, some awesome clinic fit us in. Soooo, she was ready to be boarded. 
People told me the drive to Port Angeles was 6 hours, Vance thought 4.5. Merit, Seth (baseball buddy), and I left Thursday at noon. We hit TERRIBLE traffic and I hoped to get the boys to the game by the second inning. (lol, it was bad but not that bad) 
We get there and I am stressed. It took us 6.5 hours, we were in stop and go traffic for 90 minutes. I open my car door and oh my goodness! Cooler temps and the most glorious ocean breeze!!
All of a sudden the stress that led to the trip escaped me and I was at possibly the most beautiful ball park I had ever been to. I was not sweating through my shirt anymore. I was wearing jeans. This was oh so welcomed. 
Beach nights were amazing. 
This kid of mine, this 18 year old, is moving out in two months. It makes me cry thinking about it. 
I don't wear mascara anymore. 
So, a vacay like this, well it was so amazingly good. They made it to the championship!!! We took second, played hard, and came home smiling. 
And getting pics from the rest of the gang in Alaska, well, there was no doubt they were having an incredible time!! 
They get home today!!

He was disappointed in his pitching performance. 
He did great. 
He is the kind of person who always wants to get better and be  better. 
We got home and he had me throwing whiffle balls in the front yard and we worked on pick off moves.  


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