Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 We have found ways to add fun moments of goodness to stressful days or maybe just busy days...


Willem needs to schedule drives for Drivers Education. Why does the password for the class not work for Behind the Wheel? We are on a time crunch. 

We missed Merit's dental cleaning today. I am looking into vision therapy for Hazel. The cabinets we ordered came in. Most are great, some I ordered while drunk. lol Not really. I just messed up. 

We are considering our dog's well being and feelings, wondering if we should board her while we are out of town. She is getting old. She is so sweet. Her joints hurt. It is supposed to be 105. 

I went to my sis in laws today and she was battling the life of a home owner with recent water damage that had trickled - or poured - down her walls. 

Vance is looking at this baseball travel and cost of hotel rooms and is like 😮


Life is full. And can be stressful! 

The kids are happy! 

The kids are helpful! 

These kids are awesome. 

And we just cover it in prayer and keep moving forward. 

We are excited about this shop build. 

The kitchen will be so lovely.

ohhhhh! It is coming together.

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