Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tasha May

 I began to write a couple of somewhat bleak and weary posts. I refrained from posting them and I am thankful. Saturday was a nightmare. The past two and a half days have been filled with a lot of good reports and progress. 

I am sure there will be a touch of weariness here too - but also a lot of thanksgiving. 

The show of support is amazing. It is incredible. 

I will say, life is very unfair. But I also realize we were never told it would be. People have been dealing with tragedy, disease, loss, and sin forever.  It's life here.

We pray and hold onto hope. and we know some of the whys will never be known this side of heaven.

And we are so thankful that Tasha is doing really well.  She is making great gains, quickly! She is very strong. And so many are praying!  

I sometimes ask does she always have to be so strong? Can life just be a little easier and more carefree for her? 

She is ready to be moved from the ICU but there are no available regular rooms. Maybe she can go home soon.

Her wants are so simple. She wants to be able to have access to a regular bathroom. She would like to not be sharing a room with a homeless man who continues to ask for cigarettes.  And who spent a lot of the night swearing at the nurses...She would love to see a family member. 

Her husband and three kids sure do miss her. They will be so happy to have her home. 

We are so thankful she is doing so well. She really is incredible. Thank you for praying. 

Five days before all of this happened, Reese dropped their girls off here for an overnighter (we are thankful some of his loads, he has a trucking business, take him to Moses Lake!) These pictures are from that fun overnighter. 

The older girls made slime!! 

The little ones played and played! 

I love their friendship, their imaginations too! 

And they sure had fun in the hot tub. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...