Friday, April 9, 2021

Life along Crab Creek

 Our greenhouse is this place of new life, new growth, and invitation. Apparently a mama bunny thought so too. She made her nest under the wood walkway of the greenhouse. I have loved to try to peer through those boards and see the nest. It is made with dry grasses and her rabbit fur. 

One day I was watering and tinkering in there. Hazel and I spend a lot of time in the greenhouse and Connie the cat joins us. What is it with greenhouses and cats?  And Connie placed her little paw (along with claws) down the gap in the wood and I heard a high pitched squeak! She had a hold of the bunny! 

Nellie came running and we had a dog and a cat on the hunt. I got them both out of there and closed the door (this was actually the day I discovered the bunny and the nest)

The next day Vance went out and saw the baby bunny out from under the wood - sitting in the dirt, but still in the greenhouse. It looked to be about 12 days old. I held it and cuddled it but knew I should not try to feed it. I read up on what to do. We have attempted to save several baby bunnies that Connie has gotten a hold of! 

All I read says unless you are sure the mama is dead, leave them be. The mother rabbit only comes back to the nest at night and baby bunnies only nurse for about five minutes a day. 

So, I left her. This tiny, darling bunny. Two of my nieces came over that day to spend the night. We all looked at the little bunny, but did not hold it. (It was hard to practice such restraint) - 4 days later that baby bunny squeaks here and there in her nest under the wooden walk way. I keep the dog and cat out, to the best of my ability. Vance thinks it is funny that I think it is so cute when there are nibbles out of my lettuce, spinach, and kale. 

Something about life on the "farm"!

We are hoping for a domesticated bunny! 


So, we all got so excited ten months ago when we bought the property next to us! We had been hoping for the opportunity for 16 years and it was happening. The creek view is amazing and the exploring is terrific. The privacy is also a huge highlight. 

Last summer Justin built roads and Vance watered and watered the build sight. Justin also dug a pond. That stage was fun. 

Now, we are well into the process of building the shop. Some of the fun has been taken out of the process. Vance is frustrated daily. 

I remember when my sis Natasha and brother in law Reese were building their home and she said she did not really enjoy the process, the decision making being too hard. I thought she was just lucky to be building a house. But now, I get it.

So, this 1984 house that we live in that is in need of updates calls my attention. Vance is building his dream shop. Just as big and functional as he hoped for. - with several headaches and a great deal of expense along the way -  Maybe we paint this house white with black trim (my dream), get all new windows, replace a bath tub and shower and just live in this cozy, quirky, house we love to call home. 

It sounds awfully good to me. 

Even though the next door project is a pain the butt some days, we do have the pond filled with irrigation water and that pond is so cool. Willem was out kayaking in it yesterday. 

Pictures to come. 

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Chilly days, good days

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