Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Tuesday Update


Hazel is talking about her fifth grade graduation and is finishing out her days of elementary school. It kind of makes me want to cry. 

Oren is growing and gaining confidence. He and Hazel go to school full time now. He hopes his evenings include playing baseball with any sibling or all siblings who want to join. 

Team dinners have been a pretty fun varsity baseball thing. Merit is just enjoying the ride. Last night it was Chicos pizza! 

Merit and Frey are doing the radio thing for Kurt! Pretty cool, pretty impressive! I am listening now... Merit leaves the house at 6:40 each morning - they record the show - and it airs 12- 1 - this is the gig while Kurt takes a little time off! 

Willem is loving baseball. I pick this kid up at the HS each evening. He is always in a good mood. We laugh about many things. 

In some of my subbing lately, I recognize these kids who are hungry for attention, approval, and compliments. I watch as our teachers and paras build these students up and speak good and kindness into their hearts. I love the days that I get to be a part of kids' lives through teaching and learning. I feel grateful. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021



 We can't seem to slow it down. 

So we just enjoy it.


What a strange senior year, with many pieces missing. But this, THIS - it's so fun! And he knows to savor it!


Friday, April 23, 2021



To say we are enjoying baseball would be an understatement!

The person Merit is for Willem is one of my greatest, most unexpected joys. 
I knew they would be friends. Well, I certainly hoped they would be. 
But they help each other be better and get better. 
They laugh about the silliest things. 
They have many common interests, as different as they are. 
I believe any age difference between two kids works out exactly as it is supposed to but man I love having these characters 3 years apart. 

Two sweet wins for JV last night!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tasha May

 I began to write a couple of somewhat bleak and weary posts. I refrained from posting them and I am thankful. Saturday was a nightmare. The past two and a half days have been filled with a lot of good reports and progress. 

I am sure there will be a touch of weariness here too - but also a lot of thanksgiving. 

The show of support is amazing. It is incredible. 

I will say, life is very unfair. But I also realize we were never told it would be. People have been dealing with tragedy, disease, loss, and sin forever.  It's life here.

We pray and hold onto hope. and we know some of the whys will never be known this side of heaven.

And we are so thankful that Tasha is doing really well.  She is making great gains, quickly! She is very strong. And so many are praying!  

I sometimes ask does she always have to be so strong? Can life just be a little easier and more carefree for her? 

She is ready to be moved from the ICU but there are no available regular rooms. Maybe she can go home soon.

Her wants are so simple. She wants to be able to have access to a regular bathroom. She would like to not be sharing a room with a homeless man who continues to ask for cigarettes.  And who spent a lot of the night swearing at the nurses...She would love to see a family member. 

Her husband and three kids sure do miss her. They will be so happy to have her home. 

We are so thankful she is doing so well. She really is incredible. Thank you for praying. 

Five days before all of this happened, Reese dropped their girls off here for an overnighter (we are thankful some of his loads, he has a trucking business, take him to Moses Lake!) These pictures are from that fun overnighter. 

The older girls made slime!! 

The little ones played and played! 

I love their friendship, their imaginations too! 

And they sure had fun in the hot tub. 

Monday, April 12, 2021



This little Lily was sure a mood booster yesterday!

Merit was dog sitting and brought her home for the afternoon!

 Please keep praying for Tasha. 

I hope she can be moved out of the ICU, into her own room, no roommate, fingers crossed. 

So many are praying, for this we are so very grateful!! 

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Thankful for these Peeps

Pray for that middle sweet heart please. She is in the hospital in Seattle. 

She is getting good care.
She had blood clots removed - 

Darn Covid policy will not let Reese see her - or anyone.

Praying for her mentally and physically, for her speech too. Praying for a full recovery.  


Friday, April 9, 2021

Life along Crab Creek

 Our greenhouse is this place of new life, new growth, and invitation. Apparently a mama bunny thought so too. She made her nest under the wood walkway of the greenhouse. I have loved to try to peer through those boards and see the nest. It is made with dry grasses and her rabbit fur. 

One day I was watering and tinkering in there. Hazel and I spend a lot of time in the greenhouse and Connie the cat joins us. What is it with greenhouses and cats?  And Connie placed her little paw (along with claws) down the gap in the wood and I heard a high pitched squeak! She had a hold of the bunny! 

Nellie came running and we had a dog and a cat on the hunt. I got them both out of there and closed the door (this was actually the day I discovered the bunny and the nest)

The next day Vance went out and saw the baby bunny out from under the wood - sitting in the dirt, but still in the greenhouse. It looked to be about 12 days old. I held it and cuddled it but knew I should not try to feed it. I read up on what to do. We have attempted to save several baby bunnies that Connie has gotten a hold of! 

All I read says unless you are sure the mama is dead, leave them be. The mother rabbit only comes back to the nest at night and baby bunnies only nurse for about five minutes a day. 

So, I left her. This tiny, darling bunny. Two of my nieces came over that day to spend the night. We all looked at the little bunny, but did not hold it. (It was hard to practice such restraint) - 4 days later that baby bunny squeaks here and there in her nest under the wooden walk way. I keep the dog and cat out, to the best of my ability. Vance thinks it is funny that I think it is so cute when there are nibbles out of my lettuce, spinach, and kale. 

Something about life on the "farm"!

We are hoping for a domesticated bunny! 


So, we all got so excited ten months ago when we bought the property next to us! We had been hoping for the opportunity for 16 years and it was happening. The creek view is amazing and the exploring is terrific. The privacy is also a huge highlight. 

Last summer Justin built roads and Vance watered and watered the build sight. Justin also dug a pond. That stage was fun. 

Now, we are well into the process of building the shop. Some of the fun has been taken out of the process. Vance is frustrated daily. 

I remember when my sis Natasha and brother in law Reese were building their home and she said she did not really enjoy the process, the decision making being too hard. I thought she was just lucky to be building a house. But now, I get it.

So, this 1984 house that we live in that is in need of updates calls my attention. Vance is building his dream shop. Just as big and functional as he hoped for. - with several headaches and a great deal of expense along the way -  Maybe we paint this house white with black trim (my dream), get all new windows, replace a bath tub and shower and just live in this cozy, quirky, house we love to call home. 

It sounds awfully good to me. 

Even though the next door project is a pain the butt some days, we do have the pond filled with irrigation water and that pond is so cool. Willem was out kayaking in it yesterday. 

Pictures to come. 

Monday, April 5, 2021


Oh Victory in Jesus my Savior Forever...
We sang this old hymn in church yesterday and I got so teary eyed. 
All that I have been worried about and sad about over the last two weeks or month even was, in a sense, washed away when I really focused on the words to that song. 
I bet I sang it and hummed in thirty times yesterday. 

We went on to have a nice big lunch with family and of course cousin fun. 

We came home and it had gotten colder and the wind picked up a bit, but we did an Easter egg hunt covering a lot of ground. It was really fun. 

Photo credit; Quinn

These guys are so happy to be on spring break AND baseball try outs are this week! 


Friday, April 2, 2021

Greenhouse fun! Chicken goodness * Feeling crafty - Good Friday

We are thrifting planters, including this little caddy with jars and this stretched canvas... garden goodness and the price is right. 
He loves to help me get the pots ready and get the seeds planted! 

Spring chickens and garden spaces are 
OH SO GOOD for the soul. 

 This stencil was fun to use on this $2 goodwill table/plant stand. 

I sort of imagine Hazel using it as her little lunch table too! I went outside the other night and she was eating pizza in the greenhouse! 

It is Good Friday! 

Jesus Paid it All

All to Him I Owe

Sin had left a Crimson Stain

He Washed it White as Snow

This time of year I find myself belting this song and am so thankful for His sacrifice.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...