Friday, January 8, 2021

The Covid Coaster

If you would have told me in March that we would still be so far from "normal" the following January - regarding normal activities and the threats of Covid -  I would have struggled with that reality. 

Covid is not going away anytime soon. 

These times call for flexibility, understanding, and patience. 

Our school district asked for us to submit - last summer - what model we would like for our kids/students. The options were hybrid, full time, or full time remote schooling. 

Parents were able to change their minds and choose something different for second semester, if what they had previously choses was not a good fit. Wow. Meeting those requests seems like a huge challenge, potentially. 

What if a large number of remote kids want hybrid or full time? Where do we put them? We have to maintain social distancing. So as there are questions and concerns, I am reminding about flexibility, understanding and patience. 

Teachers have a lot of questions and concerns. 

Merit and Willem just attend Monday and Tuesday mornings. That may not be changing. But they would both love to be up at the HS more. 

Merit does not have his taste or sense of smell back. This is requiring a lot of patience on his part. And several doses of HOPE. Hope that it will come back. 

I have some of the best examples in my life for being flexible and finding the good in this. 

This girl is a fantastic example! 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...