Monday, January 25, 2021

Cabin Cozy - the Desk of Memories

I love Favored Farmhouse which was formerly Shops on Alder which I also loved. 
A really neat vendor, Marion,  who was at Shops on Alder sold me this sweet blue desk. That was probably five years ago. I am guessing Hazel was six at the time. I have so many very sweet memories of Hazel crafting, reading, and writing at this desk. She has outgrown it a bit. So, we bought her a new one - well a new to her desk -  a few months ago. We moved this one down to the cabin ( I am not sure I will ever be able to part with it.)
When I purchased it, Marion told me her brother had driven that little desk all the way from Ohio! He had called her, knowing she was in the business of antiquing and thrifting and drove that little blue delight from Ohio to Moses Lake, Washington. 
Yesterday, Hazel and I lit candles in the cabin and just sort of hung out down there. 
This one room cabin has been such a sweet haven.

Stickers, some pencils, and a few other sweet items are stowed away in the little drawers, a memory and reminder of when Hazel was younger.

My friend Shannon had a wonderful service project idea. She wanted to write thank you's to the many who are dealing with Covid first hand... I think of the people who work the drive thru testing, the nurses and doctors who take care of Covid patients etc. Also, we know a few who are very sick with Covid right now. 

So tomorrow, three of us with gather in this cabin and write thank you's. 

Phil Bransma is a missionary from Lynden who is serving in Brazil. He and his wife Kristi are there with their 12 children. Please pray for him. He is very sick with Covid and the hospitals there are poorly equipped.


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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...