Saturday, November 14, 2020

Hurry up and wait

 We purchased the land next to us in June. We dreamed of buying it for 15 years! We talked about where we would put a house if ever, if maybe -

We love the creek, love it! We have a great view from here and the view is even better from the acreage next to us, the new purchase.     

During those 15 years, however, this house got cozier and cozier. Hundreds of things were made with love in our kitchen. Family pics adorn the walls. Dents from Tonka trucks and "races" leave a memorable mark. The hard water has stained our faucets, the wood peckers have been relentless, the warmth, coziness, memories - make it all what it is today. 

So, we are excited about building - Vance's excitement has rubbed off a bit on me. But we are not in a hurry. 

Hmmm. The funny thing is once things get going and progress becomes evident and checks are written, one gets eager. The not being in a hurry can become a "let's pour this before winter", "let's keep this crew busy", and we become excited -even some days, impatient

Vance has done a lot of pacing this week because we are close, so close to starting -

Or are we?

My sister Tasha and her husband were a military family for 15 years. Moving from place to place. Once my brother in law retired from the military they decided to settle down and build in Whatcom County. They chose a gorgeous, wooded piece of property to build their home. To save on money, they lived in a travel trailer in my dad's driveway for 19 months. 19 months people. A travel trailer, 3 kids, at my dad's --- TWO winters. They waited 11 months for a permit.

So, I have to complain about this on my blog because I could not possibly complain to Tasha. 😂

Five, maybe seven years ago when Merit, Willem, and I were biking often, we saw this cool house - partly underground. It is a mile or so from here. The front has so many doors and windows. We could tell it was a home that was never finished. Covid got us on our bikes again, many hours each week, and again we were riding past this house that was never finished. It is such a cool style! And then all of a sudden, trucks began bringing roofing material in... it was painted... We began biking by that house to see the weekly progress. Turns out we met the man, the home owner, about three weeks ago! He, Mr. B, told Vance that he began building the house in 1995. They never finished, but he said that "This is the year!!" Actually I think it was his wife that said "This is the year!!" They plan to finish the house in 2020. 25 years is quite a wait to get into a home you are building. I told Willem if I ever complain about the wait of the shop and house to say to me "How do you think Mrs. B feels??" 😂

Laughter truly is the best medicine.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...