Monday, November 2, 2020

Happy Monday

 This is the very first day I have been home alone for more than one hour since March. It feels good. It feel very strange, but oh! The stuff I am getting done! 

A Soleil in hand - I am throwing away old school papers and filling a second bag with thrift store donations. 

When Oren went to kinder last fall Vance was in an office space in town and all of my kids were gone all day - for the first time - and Vance for part of the day at least. Those days were too quiet. I subbed a fair amount. It was so good. I sort of mourned the "babies" not being at home. 

Oren and Hazel enjoy attending in person school two days a week. 

Fast forward one year. I am never home alone. We go through groceries like you would not believe. Dishes, dishes, and more dishes (that just reminded me to add paper plates to my list). 

Life is good and full.

Natasha is at UW - blood work and an echo -We have been texting in between her being seen. A man next to her was getting labs drawn. He had a double lung transplant 15 years ago. Amazing.

Happy Monday!

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Chilly days, good days

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