Wednesday, September 30, 2020

How does your garden grow?

Two years ago about mid November Oren asked us "Why did you let the garden die?"
We explained seasons and how many things cannot survive once the temperatures drop.
He was walking through the garden last night with me and he said "I just love our garden." I told him I did too but that we wouldn't be getting veggies or sunflowers for much longer. He asked "Why?" And I reminded him again of years previous and of seasons and how when it gets too cold these plants can't survive. He told me that was sad because when we plant in the spring it is such a long wait to watch our garden grow and produce... I agreed.

Connie LOVES our greenhouse!


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Feeling fowl, school happenings...

It's Saturday! 

Willem and I are headed to the Farmer's Market soon - our favorite Saturday morning activity! Merit would join but he is pet sitting this weekend and has baseball in Ephrata today. 

We have had some topsy turvy days  - but school is going well for the most part. In person and at home. For Merit and Willem, they are just remote for now. Other than some tech struggles and them missing people we are pressing on. 

We found a chicken in our driveway Monday morning on our way to school. Willem and I got back from dropping off H and O and the chicken was still there. The chicken was still there at 5 pm when Willem and I went for a bike ride. 

I got the attention of the across the road neighbor just as the chicken was attempting to cross the road. (Insert a variety of jokes here)

He only spoke Spanish. I had my "wings" going. I all but demonstrated an egg coming out of the cloaca. I did a lot of pointing to the area where Willem and I had seen the chicken which, of course, had crossed the road or was hiding. 

Two dogs were threatening its existence shortly after the man left to go about his business. So, Willem and I went back to the house, grabbed a fishing net and went in for the rescue. 

Side note; Adventures like this with Willem are very fun! 

Willem captured the bird first try. We got it home on the golf cart. 

And yet another side story. One of our chickens LOVES the garage. She was broody in there for two months this past spring. Now she just runs in there to lay her egg. Daily. In the garage. Vance cannot handle this hen who continues to disobey our rules. And the poop, Vance is sick of the poop. He wonders if the fresh eggs are worth it. I am just sure they are. ;-)

So, as Willem and I pull up with a chicken in the golf cart, that I had wondered if it could be a rooster ( a tinge of turqouise in the tail feathers!! ) We add it to the flock and oh dear. It was evident oh so quickly that it was a rooster! Vance asked if he should strangle it or grab his machete. 

We released it near the creek. 

Life is never boring here. 

And country living really does suit us well. 

For zooms, each Jansen student is in their own room with their chrome books. They each have a desk. But when they are just doing their work, these two love to be together (surprise, surprise) Last year Oren had made the comment "I wish Hazel and I could be in the same class, so we could be best friends at school too."

Well, they are getting some of that! 

Mr. Shorttimer

Thursday, September 24, 2020


Sometimes there are tears but typically we experience good learning and a good attitude. 

Hazel keeping things fun! 

Crocheted finger puppets! A thrift store find! 

We got rain! 🌨🌨💦💦💦


Monday, September 21, 2020

First Day of School

 First Day of in person School!!! 

They were excited and nervous and willing to give school breakfast and lunch a try. 

These two will go in person Monday and Tuesday! And they will learn at home Wednesday - Friday! 

Praying for you two all day! 

Good luck and have fun! 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Blue Skies! Beautiful Sunset!

This smoke we have been enveloped in since Labor Day was taking its toll. Today was BEAUTIFUL!

oh tonight!! Fresh air and a beautiful sunset!!! 

 sweet Nellie! Enjoying a steak bone! 

We've got some blue sky today!

 It's Saturday! 

A break from chrome book learning! And time for outdoor learning, exercise, and art!

This girl's art! 
This was a tutorial her teacher assigned!! :-)

More weekend happenings tonight...

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

One day at a time -

 2nd day of all remote - 

We are getting by. I am, however, sort of sad for the glitchy, laggy zooms. Is this because we have 4- 6 family members on the internet at one time?

I visited a first year teacher today in her brand new classroom. Oh I cannot imagine being a first year teacher through this. There were tears and smiles and hope for a future that is brighter in the classroom - warm and friendly again, less restrictions. 

When we finally get rain, we will do a happy dance. We have not had anything more than a sprinkle since mid June. 

Merit, Willem, and I went for a fun bike ride tonight! That felt so good! The smoke was heavy today but I felt like we could see a tiny bit of blue sky -if we were really optimistic- at the time of our bike ride. It is recommended to stay indoors - although wise, we have to get out and get a bit of exercise. 

We try to stay positive and just take this one day at a time. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

1st Day of School!

 We made it! First day of school, all remote. 

Hazel and Oren were scheduled to go in person today. They will go in person part time, but our air quality is so poor, school was cancelled. 

We had a chrome book charger issue that took three stops to remedy. But we could have addressed this last week.

Oren did not spend enough time on his chrome book. 

Oren took too many breaks.

Oren did his best.

Hazel loved her zoom with her class!! 

Willem was up earlier than he has been in three months. 

Merit joined fellow classmates this morning up at the HS for a "senior sunrise." This is a tradition. Except that they could not see the sunrise because of the smoke.

I could hear Donnie Lindgren on zoom, then John Hohman. Both guys these boys look up to. 

We laughed a lot today. There were a few tears too.

Willem sitting down for his PE zoom in a big fluffy robe! Even though he had already been showered and dressed! But then we changed our mind about the robe because I suppose people should get dressed for the day. 

I got El Rey for lunch for the family.

I loved watching Oren write his numbers to 30. He claimed there were just too many, that he just couldn't do it. And then Willem stepped in.

Thank you God for team work. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

No filter

 Today we had a zoom with Hazel and Oren's teachers. After a few technical difficulties we saw their lovely faces and we got excited about this "blended" school year. 

Vance complained about the current state of the refrigerator and the messy kitchen counter. 

I baked banana bread and shared some with friends. Sharing is typically a mood booster for both the young and the old. 

Merit did his basketball drills in this smoke. He mixes it up, going to different courts around town. Willem and I ran some fun errands, tried to shock each other with ridiculous scenarios and jokes (this is what Willem and I LOVE to do) and we got Mexican food. The smoke threatened to ruin our day but Wild Will's long hair and laughter kept my spirits bright! The Mexican food did not hurt. 

One of these days I will eat celery sticks and yogurt and drink eight glasses of water. I just am not quite sure when that will happen.

I will wear tight jeans and never worry about a muffin top. 

There is a layer of ash and dust on everything. Blah. 

This blog is almost becoming a journal and I know Vance and Willem are not fans of this. They would rather their loud mouth wife and mom just kept life's injustices to herself. But oh these times are testing me. 

I poured myself a glass of wine at about 8 o'clock, picked a bunch of sunflowers for my chickens, prayed for our teachers, and hugged my babies.

Grace upon grace

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Be the light


We are very grateful for cousin time over the weekend. We hit Ulta Beauty's clearance rack too. Eye shadow pallets for the win. :-)! 
And now the smoke is so heavy and we are trying to prepare for back to school. 

These were taken Monday but our view is about the same today. 
I took Senior pics Sunday night, I am so thankful the weather was perfectly beautiful for that. I have five sessions that need to be scheduled but I will need to wait for the smoke to clear.

Dear Lord help our teachers. 

Dear Lord help our firefighters too. 

It is normal, I believe, to have some of this weigh a bit heavy.

Treat a friend to a coffee.

Food pantrys and food banks are in need of our donations.

Treat a teacher to a gift card, a coffee, a teacher care pack, clorox wipes! 

Write a letter.

Share a smile. 

If we all spread a bit of positivity, we can dredge, forge, or even skip through these uncertain times. People need encouragement.

Be the Light

Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day Weekend

The Heeringa's visit

More pics to come

Today we are having an incredible windstorm! 

A large tree uprooted in our backyard. There are fires in the surrounding areas too. 

Tasha and Reese enjoying the creek 

Pizza and cousins!


Friday, September 4, 2020

Labor Day Weekend - God's peace

Yay! It's Friday! 

The long weekend is here!  

I was reading bits and pieces of Beth Moore's book Breaking Free last night. I have marked in the margins but don't completely remember reading it. It may have been encouraged through a Bible Study.

Chapter 6 Beth discusses how she believes Christ's heart still grieves when he sees our hearts in unnecessary turmoil.

No matter the circumstances we need to believe,pray,and receive HIS peace. 

I think we will find out today which two days Oren and Hazel will be in school - praying this all works out! 

Thursday, September 3, 2020


 Cooler mornings but hot afternoons help us truly enjoy these last weeks of summer. A bike ride or a walk in the morning or the evening feel so wonderful and then a little time in the AC mid afternoon feels pretty good too. 

Yesterday was just one of those days.

There are a lot of people hurting. I talked to a family member on the phone for 90 minutes. Life can be hard and messy.

Our morning started off with a neighborhood dispute -

Teachers are wondering what this school year looks like. Knowing even if they have an idea today it could totally change tomorrow. 

I made an effort to get some things boxed up for the senior center and then sentimental value got in the way (story of my life). 

Please pray for our friend Triston- I have known his dad since he was 3. Lincoln and Jada, Triston's parents, are awesome people. Triston spent 10 months in Seattle at Children's battling Ewing's Sarcoma - a type of cancer. He went through treatment and was cancer free. He now has a mass on his leg in the same spot the cancer originated. A biopsy was done last week, the results will be in soon. We are praying it is not cancer. But if it is, that they can treat it and it goes away for good. A hard, faith seeking journey for sure. 


It is hard to believe Labor Day weekend is almost here.

Willem went to an outdoor movie night at a friends and had a blast. 

Merit has been golfing. 

Our garden is producing so much! 

Justin is back working on another path/road for us - a gravel path - Our access to the new property is fun and we enjoy riding bikes, golf cart riding, and going for walks out there. 

Speaking of gardens, when we were in Lynden we went to Vonstar Farms! Vance's cousin Jody and her husband Blake own this amazing garden...

So beautiful! So fun! 
They have a produce stand open on the weekends. It is in Lynden, behind the Jansen Art Center.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...