Thursday, September 3, 2020


 Cooler mornings but hot afternoons help us truly enjoy these last weeks of summer. A bike ride or a walk in the morning or the evening feel so wonderful and then a little time in the AC mid afternoon feels pretty good too. 

Yesterday was just one of those days.

There are a lot of people hurting. I talked to a family member on the phone for 90 minutes. Life can be hard and messy.

Our morning started off with a neighborhood dispute -

Teachers are wondering what this school year looks like. Knowing even if they have an idea today it could totally change tomorrow. 

I made an effort to get some things boxed up for the senior center and then sentimental value got in the way (story of my life). 

Please pray for our friend Triston- I have known his dad since he was 3. Lincoln and Jada, Triston's parents, are awesome people. Triston spent 10 months in Seattle at Children's battling Ewing's Sarcoma - a type of cancer. He went through treatment and was cancer free. He now has a mass on his leg in the same spot the cancer originated. A biopsy was done last week, the results will be in soon. We are praying it is not cancer. But if it is, that they can treat it and it goes away for good. A hard, faith seeking journey for sure. 


It is hard to believe Labor Day weekend is almost here.

Willem went to an outdoor movie night at a friends and had a blast. 

Merit has been golfing. 

Our garden is producing so much! 

Justin is back working on another path/road for us - a gravel path - Our access to the new property is fun and we enjoy riding bikes, golf cart riding, and going for walks out there. 

Speaking of gardens, when we were in Lynden we went to Vonstar Farms! Vance's cousin Jody and her husband Blake own this amazing garden...

So beautiful! So fun! 
They have a produce stand open on the weekends. It is in Lynden, behind the Jansen Art Center.

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