Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tuesday, June 2nd

 She had this big creativity fair project due yesterday. She chose to do it on Gardening in the Desert.
Oh this sweet soul. 
So, she was supposed to share ten facts she knew and ten facts she learned. She and I both learned some new, useful facts through this. 
Concerned she would run out of time on her flip grid, she spoke VERY fast. The only thing she could have possibly done differently was to slow it down. But her project was so wonderful and I am so proud of her. 
Getting her to work on it in the past week was quite the feat! 
She LOVES outdoors - animals, gardening, driving the golf cart, playing store in the cabin.... 
So, I redirected her many times. 
This online school stuff is hard. 
I have a lot of respect for parents who home school. 
Willem's math teacher and I had a little visit on the phone this morning in regards to procrastination.

The baby bunny we so badly wanted to nurture back to health passed away. 
So, I have been researching domesticated bunnies for kids again. 

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Chilly days, good days

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