Thursday, June 25, 2020

Don't Hate Me, It's Heavy

Merit had a big decision to make this week and the heaviness I saw in him made me want to take it from him. But I can't. He will be 18 in October. Think of how many big decisions he will make over the next five years. Being a mom enters new stages of goodness and new stages of hard constantly.

I am so thankful for prayer.

Natasha had a cardiology appointment yesterday. She is retaining some fluid. This is all part of the heart's decline but not easy to hear. I wonder, how does she take that news when there is sad and bad news all around us. Pray for her heart, for Lesha's too.

Yakima Hospitals are hit hard with this COVID. Some say they are out of beds. Some say Inslee has exaggerated that and they are not out of beds. Well, their high number of cases makes my heart sick. And I hope Inslee sees the importance of honesty and integrity.
An article I read stated that capacity is exceeded because of the lack in staffing.
No matter how you cut it, Yakima hospitals are facing tough times.

I don't handle the heat quite like I used to. 80 degrees is terrific, 90 degrees makes me sweat and search for shade. My chickens get a little irritated too when it is very hot. They have a good space though and are let out for evening bug hunting and dust baths. Three of my chickens fly out of the coop as they please. We tried wing clipping, clipped the wrong wings... pinterest fail.
Anyway, Vance gets tired of those free range happy birds pooping in the yard. And one, Gia, lays her eggs in the garage. So, Vance wanted me to lock them up - solitary confinement - take a break from yard poop and the garage nesting box and determine where they will go from there. So we did. These free range flyers are not happy with us. We glanced at them last night, sweat dripping down our backs. Vance said " I wonder if your chickens would be better off dead."

Thems fightin' words.

Yes, I annoy him too. He just doesn't blog about it.

There should be medals for 20 years of marriage and the medals or trophies increase in value in five year increments.

Highlight REAL
vs. Highlight REEL

Life's hard, marriage is hard. But there is so much good too! And typically, as you know, I blog about that. But my friends, not today.

1 comment:

Les Hon said...

Real life. I appreciate your highlight REAL. Mine would be similarly heavy. Lighter days will come...I'm hoping soon for us all.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...