Wednesday, January 15, 2020

winter happenings

I run outside, snow on the ground, wearing Merit's slides, heading to the coop for two eggs for banana bread. The chickens are cold and resting more frequently with less daylight. Sometimes I only get two eggs a day. 

As I am running, Connie, our tuxedo cat, greets me as does a leghorn chicken - a chicken who loves freedom and insists on fleeing the coop daily, unaware of coyote predators and hiding from hawks. 
Two warm eggs, a large white one and a medium brown one... collecting eggs has never gotten old.

January is my favorite baking month; 
chocolate cream cheese cupcakes
banana bread
zucchini bread
Now pizza crust has made the list...

I miss my baker Hazel while she is at school, my artist Oren too....
So thankful for substitute teaching and volunteering. 
These kids are learning right before my eyes. 

Driving in the snow is not something I love. Watching the kids play in it is. The coats, mittens, missing mittens, messy hair from stocking caps, and cold toes is an every day kinder occurence. They are excited for snack, excited for lunch, always ready for choice time (play time),and are becoming emerging readers even if they do not know it. 

Tonight, Merit is at the Sports Den recording. Willem is playing Fortnite, breaking for jobs I ask him to do. Hazel is having a play date (girl time). Vance is getting ready to plow the driveway and Oren is drawing, cutting, and pasting - truly what he does every night!

I am wondering if we will have a two hour late start tomorrow. Whenever our day starts, I am subbing kinder and am quite excited.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...