Monday, January 27, 2020


 One of my favorite things is basketball. Truly a team sport, where so much can be learned from the game.
The DISCIPLINE our high school program offers is key.
Work ethic, respect, skill, and drive being so important -
The TIME these high school players devote would surprise some, I believe.
I think learning of Kobe's passing yesterday hit so many so hard.
That kind of talent is so very rare, so many admired him.
My prayers go out to his family - to all of those who lost a loved one in yesterday's helicopter crash.
So many lives were tragically affected yesterday.

 For many Saturdays, these high school guys headed up to the gym each morning to coach Little Dribblers.
These little kids really look up to these guys! And our high school players have to exhibit patience while teaching basketball skills to these kids. What a cool opportunity, so much learning for all.
 The Little Dribblers demonstrated their skill during the game Saturday night! So much fun -
Coach Carlstrom, in the blue, is a favorite of Merit and Willem's  - such a cool guy who is easy to communicate with and is a great coach!

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...