Thursday, January 30, 2020


OH! This girl! And her love for horses!
I am so thankful for Hazel Jane.
And my dear friend Marilyn is a breath of fresh air every time I see her! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

New semester, new blessings, it all comes out in the wash

A new semester started yesterday! Merit wonders how this semester could possibly be as good as last. Willem had minor changes to his schedule. Hazel and Oren are learning and growing and time is cruising right along.

We, as parents, all have days when our kid gets home from sports or school with some hard news or feelings of hurt or rejection. I have told them that if they are working really hard, being respectful, and being a good friend and teammate, all if it "comes out in the wash" eventually.
And through the process we learn patience if we do not allow bitterness to creep in.
And we pray.
And we pray some more.
And out of respect for my kids, I won't post particulars but we have had a few examples of everything "coming out in the wash" and having things end up so much better than we ever thought they could while in the midst of our disappointment.

Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we are waiting. - Joyce Meyer

There are not limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking. -Brian Tracy

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulations, be constant in prayer.  Romans 12:12

Monday, January 27, 2020


 One of my favorite things is basketball. Truly a team sport, where so much can be learned from the game.
The DISCIPLINE our high school program offers is key.
Work ethic, respect, skill, and drive being so important -
The TIME these high school players devote would surprise some, I believe.
I think learning of Kobe's passing yesterday hit so many so hard.
That kind of talent is so very rare, so many admired him.
My prayers go out to his family - to all of those who lost a loved one in yesterday's helicopter crash.
So many lives were tragically affected yesterday.

 For many Saturdays, these high school guys headed up to the gym each morning to coach Little Dribblers.
These little kids really look up to these guys! And our high school players have to exhibit patience while teaching basketball skills to these kids. What a cool opportunity, so much learning for all.
 The Little Dribblers demonstrated their skill during the game Saturday night! So much fun -
Coach Carlstrom, in the blue, is a favorite of Merit and Willem's  - such a cool guy who is easy to communicate with and is a great coach!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

School Lunch Ramblings

I have no problem making school lunches, until about March or April.

A win for me is that Hazel and Oren will eat bell peppers in their lunch almost every day! Last week three ziploc bags of orange and yellow pepper slices came home out of Oren's lunch. I asked Oren what was up. He said the kids said they were stinky and gross, so he decided not to eat them. I reminded him how much he likes them. When I am cutting them up for a salad at dinner, he is snatching them off the cutting board.

When I sub I walk the kids into the lunchroom. If I sub kinder, I stay for about 5 minutes. WHO are these kids dipping their grilled cheese in their tomato soup?? And eating every bite? I love it!!! WHO are these kids eating ANYTHING put out in front of them!? I love them.

BUT, WHO are these kids not taking one bite of their kung pow chicken or of their sandwich and asking to throw it in the garbage!? 

I cannot stand waste. 

My kids see this in me. Oren grabs a chocolate cupcake on Friday. Eats two thirds of it and puts the rest of it in a baggie. !! It was enough sugar for him which is why he was done, but he planned to eat the other 1/3 the next day. This, my friend, is why my kitchen is never tidy. 

I get a call from the school district tonight. It is regarding Hazel's lunch account. I am informed that she has $3.75 on her account. I ask her, "when was the last time you had school lunch?" She tells me it was when Mrs. Lincoln was her para. Um, that would be kinder. You are in 4th grade now. Why do I think this is so funny?? 

Never a dull moment. 

Merit has eaten at several college cafeteria's while at sports camps. He tells me it does not compare to our cooking and baking at home. This makes me feel good! That is, until he is away at college. 

a fun weekend

Two days in a row Oren did not even get out of his pjs. He just slipped his snow gear on over his pajamas. You know that's a good day.

 sibling quotes - Be nice to your siblings, they are the best link to your past and most likely to stay with you in the future. - Baz Lurhmann

Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a super hero - Marc Brown

Monday, January 20, 2020

Happy 14th Birthday Willem!!

This kid!! He is a joy!! 

Willem is an excellent student! He works hard in school and in sports! 
He is a good friend and a good sibling! 
He makes us laugh, a lot! 

Happy 14th birthday Willem!!!
Praying this year is wonderful! 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Praying for the calm, running after kids, telling myself I am doing what I can

I can't totally keep up, but I think it is okay.
God is providing me an energy that I so badly need. 
I miss a lot of what my kids do and I am a part of a lot of what my kids do. Maybe that's normal. Merit played in Wenatchee last night. They lost in a buzzer beater. Willem's team lost in the championship in Omak today. They lost by 1! Heart breaker. 
I tried to bring a friend treats yesterday.
She said if I was enjoying my family at home to just stay back, I did. 
And yesterday was the perfect home day
Made a quick trip to Seattle today -
I am tired and I am thankful

 chocolate cream cheese cupcakes
 an emerging reader

Friday, January 17, 2020

The Unified Game

 The Unified Game
It's one of my favorite evenings of the year. 


We have the best kids here. 

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...