Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Every year I feel like there is more hard and more good. More challenges and more blessings. More of a need to balance and, of course, pray. 
2019 I got out of bed every morning and did my best. That, I suppose, is my accomplishment.

On the days I least wanted to get out of bed and had the least amount of energy, I was often blessed by a stranger. I cannot tell you how many strangers God put in my path in 2019 who MADE A DIFFERENCE. 

I did more walking (thank you friends) and more self reflecting in 2019. 

In the two or three years after my mom passed away, I watched other mothers with adult daughters and felt so lost, sad, and sometimes envious. As the years went on, I felt I was healing in this department. I miss my mom every single day, but I could feel happier for my friends making memories with their moms. I saw grandmas with grandchildren and saw the JOY in their faces. Sadly, I experienced some regression in this department in 2019. Sadness seeped in and lonesomeness met me some days. Moms and daughters have a bond. Those daughters' moms and those daughters' kids share a bond. 

I miss my sisters incredibly. Our kids are very busy, so frequent visits cannot happen. We simply treasure the time we do get. They "get me" and I "get them" - it is certainly a blessing.

Praying for additional healing in 2020. 

2019 was a year of sweet memories, growth, hard stuff, and learning

I have become more of an introvert except when it comes to teaching. Teaching, working with kids, and volunteering fuels me. 

My attitude of gratitude became greater, because it had to. 

These 4 kids are amazing. 
Daily, I learn through them.
Also, I have been blessed my so many students! 

I am so very thankful for the many blessings that come in so many different forms. I am also thankful for the disappointments that led to blessings. 
I am so thankful our kids are making good decisions and have a strong work ethic!
I am so thankful for family and friends.

I have goals for 2020.
To get up each day and TRY. :-)
To TRUST God every step of the way. 
To travel, even if this means within Washington. This family doesn't do big trips real well. 
I plan to volunteer more in my community. 
I plan to eat more veggies.

To my blog readers, thank you! 


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Chilly days, good days

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