Wednesday, December 4, 2019

December is here...

My blogging opportunities seem far and few between lately. You would think with all four kids in school I would have a fair amount of time at home, by myself. This is not the case, however.

Yesterday I went through three toy bins in the garage in an effort to narrow it down to two. The memories I have when going through those toys and the emotions... I found Bop It - a hot Christmas gift several years ago! I ran it upstairs to Merit who quickly began trying to beat "high score"! It was a fun game then and still is now.

I went to pick up my Walmart Grocery order yesterday and I see a man with a cane, his walking is labored, making it slowly acrossed the parking lot, walking through slush. I was parked in the grocery pick up. As he walked and others walked in, I gathered some trash out of my purse and headed to the garbage can that is on the side of the building. No automatic doors there, the older man, walking slowly, gave me a big smile, and held the door open for me. I did not need to go in, but his gesture -given his circumstances - was especially kind.
Funny how sometimes the people who may have a reason to be grumpy, aren't grumpy at all.

Willem is a fun kid to run errands with. He and I "shopped small" on Saturday and went grocery shopping on Sunday.

While grocery shopping, the checker told us she drives from Ephrata to Moses Lake for work  - she was early 60s I would guess - she found herself so nervous with our recent weather. Her shift ends at midnight.
She talked about things being so busy at work and at home! And then her nerves with having to drive these roads late at night. :-0 And how she hosts her kids and grand kids on the holidays. She said they asked her what's for Christmas dinner and she said she probably would not know till that day.  Her description of trying to make the meal simple and easy was quite funny and very sweet.
Bless her heart.

Oren was sick on Thanksgiving and I did load after load of laundry - poor guy did his very best but we had some messes.
I thought about the many who do not have a washer and dryer and how this time of year dropping $10 or $15 off in quarters to a few mamas at the Laundry Mat is such a special gift. We have done this the last couple of years and the smiles!

Looks whose back!

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...