Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Happy Tuesday

My morning started out so sucky. 
I hate it when they do. 

But now, our three boys are playing some bat/ball game in the front yard that they love. It's like baseball but it is not and it has been named the "bat/ball game" Watching Hazel organize and re-organize her school supplies last night was a joy! 

Oren and Hazel both got letters in the mail from their to be teachers. I love it when teachers do this! 

My mind is cluttered and disorganized but I have chosen not to share this with my kids who usually have the best attitude about everything. 

And guess what... it is rubbing of on me. 

Happy Tuesday. 

For those of you who struggle with late August, I get it. 

For those of you who pour your energy and your hearts into making your classroom organized and welcoming, writing letters to your students, and starting the year off with positivity - thank you!  Moses Lake has some of the best teachers on the planet.

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