Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday

Busy days are good for me. Sometimes the night before a busy day is not so good. I organize, re-organize and spin everything around in my head. 
But the day of, it's good. 

Today is super busy and very fun!

Merit drove himself to school and Vance drove Will. I made blueberry pancakes for H and O. I dropped Hazel off at school at 8:50. I texted a teacher who might need a tea to get her through the day. We got the tea and delivered it. Oren and I got delicious, thick, frosted sugar cookie at the stand where we purchased Francine's tea. Shannon texted me inquiring about an hour walk before we had to pick up our middle schoolers at 11:30. 
Today and tomorrow are half days because of conferences.
Oren, Shannon, and I walked. Then I got Willem. We ran an errand, grabbed Hazel at noon and dropped Oren off to pre-school at 12:15.
Willem's student led conference was at 12:30. I like student led conferences! Your child needs to tell you what they are doing right and what they could do better. They can explain their grade. We can visit with their first period teacher. Willem works hard! His notebook looked SO good!! And his penmanship beautiful. 
Okay so we got this day about halfway done!
The baby chicks are "caged" in the front yard so they can peck at the grass, enjoy the sunshine and sort of learn to be chickens.
Next, laundry, dishes, watering flowers. Pick Oren up at 3. Willem has 3 on 3 basketball practice tonight. I might get another walk in. 
All the while the sun is shining and we encounter so many smiling faces. 

There are bumps and there are bruises. 

I have a group of friends that gather for brunch, for birthdays and for prayer. Within the group we are praying for a son, a  senior in high school who broke his foot and had surgery in Seattle. We are praying for a father who has cancer that has spread quickly. We are praying for our kids. We are confiding in each other about some of the hard stuff our kids encounter. Sometimes we and our spouses are communicating poorly, sometimes we are quick to re-act, sometimes our kids aren't letting us in on hard stuff or questions.

I was bummed last night about several things. I felt worried about friends and family who are struggling with their health, but I stopped and "grabbed" ten things that were so great within the day;
1) Teaching 5th grade yesterday afternoon - awesome kids
2) Merit joining Kurt on the radio show again!
3) Hazel and a buddy eating lunch in the classroom I was in
4) Willem's awesome game! 
5) The sunshine!
6) Oren's learning
7) Friends who pray
8) Vance made a delicious pot of soup last night (and I got Easter candy 50 percent off!)
9) God's grace
10) F-A-M-I-L-Y

50 min. left of picking up and cleaning up and then I am off to get Oren Paul

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