Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday Morning

oh this boy! I LOVE his PLAY!

A little spring dreaming...

It has become evident to me lately that I sort of have the social media blahs....ever get that? When you might feel irritated or annoyed more than joyful? Cute baby pictures, awards kids are getting at school and people celebrating birthdays or many years of marriage still make me smile but there is a lot that doesn't. And it can certainly be a time bandit. - I suppose it is "all things in moderation" -

It dawned on me last week that we have two teenagers.
Two teenage boys.

This stage of parenting is much different than the pre-school/elementary years. But this stage came very quickly. The conversations and the laughter are very fun. I feel so blessed to be at this stage with responsible, hard working teens.

A couple of very key things are helping us find our way in this -- communication and prayer.

I am pretty tickled that this morning on KBSN I get to listen to a Mariner's segment with our very own Merit Jansen!

Through this exciting process, it has been SO fun to see who is excited about this! It is not always family that comes alongside of you at times like this - although we do have supportive family members - so often it is friends who have become like family!

His radio ads for the show will air regularly too.

A morning of to- dos and then teaching third grade and tonight, the basketball banquet.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...