Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Winter blues? Sibling love

After teaching second grade yesterday, I let out a big sigh. The teacher in the room next door did too and the other second grade teacher I visited with talked about sometimes it just takes a lot to get through the day. 

There are so many on task, engaged students. Students ready to learn!! But even if 3/4 of the kids in a class have this outlook, there are some who don't and it disrupts the learning for others. 

Each of these sweet little people have a story. The not so sweet ones do too. 

If we keep investing, keep encouraging, if we demonstrate respect and kindness, I think a lot of it comes right back. Sometimes there are tough moments of waiting for it. 

This COLD weather and indoor recesses aren't doing anything for anybody! Energetic bodies begging to RUN! On grass, not ice or slush! Spring will never have felt so good! 

 Every day there are some challenges - for all of us. There are hard relationships and tough moments.

Somehow, someway, these four kids of ours get along really great. I am not sure how or why but it is one of my greatest blessings! When they are arguing or bickering it feels rough. But when they are laughing and helping each other out, sometimes I forget to be thankful. I take it for granted.

Today, while getting ready to get Hazel to school, Oren had a hard time getting organized. Hazel handed him his coat but he expressed that HE wanted to find it! He wanted to bring his toy for the car ride to school,we forgot it. Hazel was telling him to "hurry up!" There were tears and yelling on the way. And the snow had started again and I was a little mad (at Oren but mostly at the snow). He managed to get a handful of Hazel's hair while in the car and he gave it a yank. 
She got out of the car with tears in her eyes. ( I felt sad, but Miss Hazel has the WONDERFUL Ms. Rosenow so I knew the day would be okay - usually they are absolutely terrific!) We watched her walk in. I said "poor Hazel. She is walking slowly." Oren said "her head is down because she is crying." I talked to him about how he might feel walking into pre-school crying. We talked it out while in my mind I asked God to help Oren feel sorry and feel compassion.

The second Hazel got in the car, 6 1/2 hours later, Oren said "I love you Hazel." 
Thank you God. 


Yesterday I read aloud Thunder Cake the the second graders I taught. -- a favorite of mine

I just got home from grabbing Willem from basketball. I predict a two hour late start.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...