Thursday, November 15, 2018

Conference Week

It is conference week this week for our school district. I am watching these parents walk into parent/teacher conferences. It could be good news, it could be hard news, it could be the same ol' news. Things like Skyward help us stay connected. I don't feel like we are ever really in the dark unless we choose to be in the dark. These teachers work hard. They care about our kids and in my experiences they provide better than adequate opportunities for learning. I could be listing names, but I would be here all day and that is a good thing.

A teacher who I respect greatly told me she should keep a box of tissues handy during or after conferences because all children have a story, but many of them may cause one to reach for a tissue.

I also realize that there are parents strongly acting as advocates for their children; maybe because of a learning disability or the possibility of one,  neuro diversity maybe, ADD/ADHD... These parents could be advocating for a mis-understood child. Teachers advocate for students too. I see a lot of people working hard and I wish I could do more.

My hope is that there is a whole lot of GRACE, understanding and working together on all ends.

I have made some dumb mistakes lately as a mom. My friends make me feel like I am not alone in this, maybe because I am not alone in this or maybe just because they are being nice. :-)  I just keep doing my best and pray "Oh Lord, guide me."

A dear friend sends me a pic last night of Merit shaking football coaches hands. She asks "are you coming?!" oh darn, where? Where am I supposed to be? It was the JV, Varsity football banquet. I could have missed an email. I learned later that Merit did not mention it because 1) he knows we are running a lot 2) he did not think he would even be able to attend because of basketball practice/tryouts. The cool thing was, they let the football guys leave basketball early to attend the banquet. 

Merit came home with a big smile, inquired about Willem's first game of the basketball season which is actually happening right now :-) and he tucked Oren and Hazel in as they laughed and giggled. 

Willem looked so sharp this morning. Dress shirt, dress pants and a tie - that is how they dress on game day. He looked a bit older to me as he walked out the door. 

Some days we might ask ourselves
"why is this so hard?" 
other days - brighter days -  we might think "Could it get any better than this?" 
 Some days we may feel tired and weary,
other days motivated and energetic.
And sometimes we feel all of these things within the same day, which I believe is the beauty and the challenge of motherhood.

I am so thankful for God's grace.

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Chilly days, good days

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