Monday, October 22, 2018

October Days

And then she was nine.

These kids grow fast!

It did not seem so much so when Merit was three (that kid gave me a run for my money). It did not even seem so fast when Merit and Willem were little. But now, milestones, birthdays, holidays... they come flying in.

We got some grandma and papa time last week. They watched Merit and Willem's football games!
I had two days of subbing third grade. Loved them! 
Saturday was terrific (pictures to come) Lesha, Natasha and I treated our October babies (Merit, Kai and Lane) to a HUSKY game! And of course we included Willem too. We all met up in Seattle. It was a nice day and the fall colors were GORGEOUS! My sisters and I looked around U Village (so beautiful, so fun) Then we drove to Northgate and had lunch at Nordstrom's CafĂ© and shopped Old Navy and Claires (for Hazel's birthday). We met up with the boys after the game and all had Chicago style pizza together at a fun restaurant in U Village and then we all headed home. Lots of driving that day but a great day too and a win for the Huskies! 

 Guess Who with Grandma

A little arcade fun for Hazel's birthday! Oren loved the Fruit Ninja game!! 

This girl! She is just such a gift! 
Cheers to NINE sweet Hazel Jane!

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Chilly days, good days

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