Sunday, March 4, 2018


Thursday we got some time with Natasha, Reese and family in a pretty cool cabin in Leavenworth. I literally watched them stretch their legs and viewed them enjoy the fun, huge space. (probably 1,400 square feet so by no means a large house but it was in comparison to their current space :-) They are living in a travel trailer and will be for some time. But their land is right across the street from my dads and where they are "camping" so they really get to prepare and dream. Natasha makes me think of my mom sometimes. Hazel soaks up cousin girl time! She is so often surrounded by boys. That cousin fun was dreamy. Lane and Willem snow shoed! Willem LOVED it! 

Friday night started off with tamales and salsa and chips at home - no one having to be be anywhere, the "slowness"feeling good. 

Yesterday I sat in bleachers in the SUN, yes it was cold too but in the SUN, watching the freshmen scrimmage. Familiar faces feeling oh so fun. Glad that baseball season is starting up again.
Last night we BBQd steak and potatoes, it was so good. 
Today was the youth auction at church! I was so excited about putting together a few baskets! It was a fun way to help. 
I took Merit and Royce to the Big Bend baseball game today. They sat with Carter and his grandpa. The grandmas and grandpas we encounter and form relationships with have been so very fun, a blessing. Rick, Carter's grandpa, used to play for the Mariners, his love for baseball and his knowledge of the game SHINES! Merit gets a kick out him and enjoys his stories. It was a fun afternoon. 
Hazel, Willem,Vance, Oren and I enjoyed time at the creek and cabin today. Connie and Nellie joined the fun.  This afternoon I took on the dreaded job of cleaning the chicken coop! But we got it done and I am "nesting", preparing for baby chicks! Hazel CANNOT wait! 
Hazel helped clean the coop too. She is a farm girl. 
Pictures to come!

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...