Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Tuesday Catch Up

The way the sunlight is shining through our house right now, beautiful! Even through dirty windows. 
Willem and Oren! Buddies

Baseball fundraising begins. Dear heavens. But when you have two kids that play 3 sports, there is going to be some fundraising! Considering delivering banana bread or chocolate cream cheese cupcakes to those who buy a gold card! :-)!

I baked banana bread today, got a bag of clothes going for Goodwill and am putting together 2 baskets and a bundle of cards for our youth auction Sunday. The baskets are so fun! One is a little baking basket and the other is a "spa" basket! It includes a loofah, a handmade soap, a face mask and.... hmmm thinking of a hair product or nail polish. 
Oren begged for a stroller ride this morning. Yesterday was a gorgeous day for a walk and ride! Today was a bit cooler and the wind felt really chilly. Our adventure took us downtown where we had some protection because of the buildings. It was cold but good. 
Baseball try outs are going on for Merit
Willem is still in basketball. 
Last weekends tourney was a favorite of mine. We had fun in Wenatchee and it was great to hang out with the team. Smash won 4 games and lost 1. We took third in the tournament.
Hazel is so excited to go horse back riding again too. She also took an art class on Friday and I had the pleasure of being a volunteer. She is a creative girl.
Oren loves writing, building with blocks and playing trucks. He likes school most days.

More pictures from a beautiful afternoon outside yesterday.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...