Monday, January 23, 2017

Our kids

I know a little boy who doesn't live with his mom or his dad. I think his brother, who is a young man, has custody of him. He can be a naughty little boy with one of the best belly laughs you could ever hear. He knows an older man. A grandpa figure? Who walks him to school. I have thought so much of that little boy with the MANY snow days we have had. He has a teacher who encourages him and cares about him. He hasn't seen her in a while.

Home again from school, black ice this morning.

School, for many of the children we know, is a place where a child eats breakfast and lunch, receives encouragement, learns and follows rules, is asked to be respectful and has a safe environment. Yes, academic learning too, but these children need school for even more than that. I have worried about some of these kids over the past two weeks.

Our school district is awesome. It is overcrowded and there are many kids who come from tough socio-economic situations, but our district is doing a terrific job. My kids have had FANTASTIC teachers! Our administration, teachers and support staff are doing a terrific job.

When I consider that we have the second largest high school in the state, I cringe. I don't want your kid or my kid or the neighbor kid to get lost in the shuffle.

Our kids deserve a great learning environment! I so badly want us to vote yes for schools in February!
We need a second high school. An additional elementary school is needed too. Great things can happen if this bond passes.

One of the reasons I LOVE subbing is because I am a fresh face, I walk in eager. I can see first hand how hard our teachers work! They have a lot on their plate. I see the benefits to smaller class sizes. I am there to teach, encourage and smile. And I want to be the mom who teaches her kids to do the same.

I hope that the majority of our community wants the best possible learning environment for our kids. These kids will some day be parents, business owners, teachers, doctors, they may be your checker at the grocery store...  they are our future.

Investing in and encouraging our kids is so important.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...