Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A fantastic weekend

This past weekend we enjoyed getting caught up on some yard work. 
We had fun at spring fest!!
Yesterday the weather was especially gorgeous and we enjoyed being on the lake.
We got our smoothies from Aunt Carly!

We took the boat out!

Yesterday, boating, swimming in Uncle Jeff's pool and lunch and visiting at Gramma's were our highlights! 

Our garden is growing!!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thursday Goodness

This morning
I poured myself a cup of coffee and let the chickens out early. 
I had convinced myself that them being out three hours in the evening is enough. There would be less poop in the yard, and they would still get out for their dirt baths, exercise and hunting for bugs and worms. Well, they beg me to let them out and I give in. I am kind of a softy.



Ephrata's fields are beautiful! There is something relaxing about that town, about those ball fields. The port a potties aren't even half bad. And a DK burger after the game is always a treat.


Merit sliding into first ;-)!

Reise! and the gang!

Merit and Ev

Willem has 8 days off from baseball. The break feels good.

Monday, May 23, 2016

We have seriously got some happy chickens over here. 
I cleaned the coop today. 
They love the flower bed bugs, the bugs in the yard, their meal work treats, spinach leaves... they are doing great.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

I'm a fan

I am humbled by all I learn through this game. 

The friendships. The life lessons. The "life is not always fair". 
The dedication. Our coaches.
The Meek family allowed me, Haze and Oren a slower morning this morning! Thanks for driving Will to Pasco Dr. Meek and Mama Meek!! This allowed for me and the littles to leave at 8 a.m. instead of 6:30.
It felt really good.
 I learn so much about these boys through the lens of my camera. Sometimes it makes me teary. 
We need each one of our players. This weekend, I saw some players "shine" who hadn't had a lot of action in the past few games. It made me smile.

It looks dusty. It was. This dusty. Grit in the teeth and eyes full of dust. 
Oren said "Mine eyes" several times. 

I am your fan.
And not just you Will. 
Every one of you.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Happy Birthday Oren!!!

Oren, you keep us on our toes! You make us laugh! You make us smile. You are a precious gift from God!! 
HAPPY 3rd Birthday Oren Paul!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

These kids!

I get to sub in this girl's class this afternoon! I can't wait!

 Willem!! I love his spunk!

This little man is having a melt down right now. 
So looking at this calm picture of him makes me smile.

Hazel has so many friends through baseball and it has been a blast! 

Vance and Oren. ;-)

This kid is a baller. We LOVE baseball!

Never a dull moment! And this makes life fun! 

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...