Thursday, January 14, 2016

January Days

Wild Will
Crazy about snow and sledding!
A big Seahawks fan!
Our January baby

January days

Vance has kind of a green thumb. He has a nice Bonsai collection and he has kept some of my "summer herbs" alive. It is so much fun to have fresh herbs right now...

There is a goat farm for sale not far from here. 
Oh my mind goes to dreaming...
Goat farming, more chickens, raising spinach! 
As crazy and wild as these dreams are, I think Vance likes them. 
This farm is set up for milking goats. A goat milking parlor. 
The setting is really pretty. 

made some ugly sweater cookies for the kids for an after school snack

I saw a sweet group of women today. Refreshing, good for the soul!
Amy R. and I exercised two nights this week during Reise and Merit's basketball practice, felt good.

Hazel wishes there was more time for baking and coloring. She is busy at school.

Oren has been fun, talking more and learning more.

Hazel's class is making an igloo out of empty milk jugs! I need to get into her classroom one of these days with my camera. -- It is such a cool project! I have been picking up empty milk jugs at Starbucks and dropping them off to her class. The childrens' excitement is so fun! The igloo is so cool!

My kids have some remarkable teachers! Merit's teachers do a fantastic job. Willem's teacher is so good at what she does! Hazel's teacher is nurturing and wonderful.

Thank you for praying for Natasha and Reese and family. God hears our prayers. 

Okay, back to my sweet 2 1/2 year old, Oren Paul.

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