Monday, September 14, 2015

Let's Spread Sunshine

Hazel when she was a baby. Such a sweetheart.

My goal this week is to spread a little sunshine! I'll write more letters, try to spread cheer where I go and do my best to spread sunshine and have patience at home too. I have a dear friend who is due any day to have a baby and another who sent her son off to college today. So many emotions.
Yesterday morning, Oren's diaper was slipping off shortly after he got out of bed. Turned out he had pooped... I was sitting on the floor changing him and cleaning up the mess wearing pajama pants that were my mom's! And I stopped and thought about how many messes she cleaned up wearing those SAME pajama pants. When things begin to "run out" I feel I am grasping. The pictures of her stopped. The memories of her stopped. No new ones have been made for quite a few years now. I think this is why I am such a ridiculous saver, sentimental maybe to a fault. A few clothing items she gave me 20 years ago I still have, because when I wear them I think of her all day. I am thankful that many memories and her kindness never leave us and they impact us now. Today. Every day. I think about how many times she chose joy, how many times she had to make an effort to be extra patient, how busy she was raising five chilren. I feel kind of overwhelmed and incredibly grateful. SHE was a lot of sunshine. 


Debra said...

Awe...Michele, I love how you share your memories of your mom. Isn't it funny how something like pajama pants can stir those memories up in our hearts. You are a ray of Sunshine to many because of your mom. My great-Gma passed away when I was 10 & to this day I think of her several times a week. She's the one that gave me good memories. I love to swing & I think it's cuz she would sit & swing with me on her swing on her covered patio. She had a garden full of beautiful flowers. I thank God for sweet deep down memories. You will spread the Sunshine well!

Natasha said...

Yes she was. I'm gonna go spread some sunshine :)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...