Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A little update...

This child. All boy. A lot of spunk and heavy on opinions. ;-)
This picture! The other night before Willem's football game the four kids and I stopped at DQ for some dinner to go. I had just finished a girl's senior pics, three locations. Vance was in meetings in Portland. Our night called for an easy dinner. I got one small pop with a kids meal and also ordered waters to go with our other meals. Oren was SO excited about the kids size Sierra Mist. But he had to share it. Hazel wanted a couple of sips and this was Oren's totally frustrated face. This kid has so much expression, so much personality. Grocery shopping with him is a pain in my rump. Being home with him is wonderful. Going to the kids' events is always interesting. He is usually so fun and social and well sometimes, he is not.


This sweet girl got glasses.
Please pray for the adjustment. She does not enjoy wearing them.
My pics are a little dark, wrong mode I guess.

Oren's face on this one cracks me up!! Someone told him no about something!!

Life is busy, fun and full. Oren and the chickens keep me entertained during the day. Yesterday I hosted a small card making party in our loft and loved every minute of it. The evenings are full! I worked at Book Fair BINGO Monday night. Last night both big boys had football practice. Tonight they both have games. Tomorrow night baseball and football. Friday night football practice for Merit... I love it that they love it! And I love running into many friends at all these outings.
I enjoyed a little thrifting with Maria Friday afternoon and great conversation! And last night, their sweet baby boy was born!! Jaron Isaac!

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Oren is looking so grown up!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...