Friday, August 14, 2015

IT'S TIME to get in shape

I just got back from a quick, fast bike ride. It felt good. Three weeks ago I had a doctor appt. It was there that I stepped onto a scale. It had been close to a year probably. I have gained 15 pounds (maybe 20) in one year and I am so not okay with this.  This summer I have lived in skirts and yoga pants. One pair of my jeans fit. When I bike, I feel things have shifted to places I don't want them shifting to. I hired a personal trainer for 3 weeks. His name is Merit and his payment is a pair of running shoes! 
While biking with him he pushes me very hard. This almost thirteen year old has done 150 push ups every day of summer break. He can't wait to do the push up test in Mr. Lindgren's PE class once school resumes.
I reached into the fridge for some cookie dough two days ago and I heard a "uh uh uhhhh" My personal trainer had caught me. And I couldn't enjoy cookie dough with my coffee. I don't need to be thin or have rock hard abs, although both would be nice. I just want to be in shape, exercise daily and make healthier choices regarding food. I eat quite healthy for the most par,t but this summer I have been sneaking in LOTS of treats, Angry Orchards and white wine. 
If I am not excercising daily by the end of the three weeks or haven't seen a change in my body, I will rehire my current personal trainer.
Life on the farm is great. Even in skirts and yoga pants.

She is up for a brisk walk or run most days! As long as it isn't scorching hot. And she is a good listener too.

Gotta run. Time for some squats.


Debra said...

You go girl!πŸƒπŸΌπŸš΄πŸ»πŸ˜Š

Debra said...

I guess my little emojis didn't work!

Tami said...

Oh the joys! The yoga pants and skirts are so great and then Fall comes and the jeans are snug. I am envious of your trainer!

You got this!

Natasha said...

Merit might have just found his calling! Maybe an exercise competition is in order!!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...