Saturday, October 18, 2014

Matters of the Heart

Oren wasn't in a look at the camera kind of mood today and that is okay.
The camera will be out again tomorrow. ;)

This week our NEW JoAnn Fabrics store is having their Grand Opening!
Hazel chose this darling tea set there. She painted it yesterday morning and I think it looks beautiful!
This morning we headed out to a blanket in the middle of a wide open space and we were two moms, women, having tea. Her imagination is lovely and I love pretending with her. She asked me about my children and my husband and she asked me three different times how my day has been.

My parents had five children.
These hearts represent each of those five.
I know the hearts of these five adults and they are caring, FUN and beautiful.
Physically, these hearts need and will need some extra care. That is where the road gets a bit rough, a bit rocky.

If I seem distracted, I am. My physical heart is fine. My emotional heart is heavy at times.
Natasha is on some new meds and is needing some new care and I know she would love your prayers.

This heart walk has changed me and really, you know, this isn't even about me. But I look to the heavens often. I pray. Sometimes this walk takes a leap of faith. And every day we walk by faith, not by sight.
This journey has made me closer to Katie, my dear friend who has a daughter whose heart needs extra care.
This journey has made me treasure each day.
God is good and He does a lot of meaningful, wonderful things when the road is rough.
Since having Oren, I have missed my mom even more than the few years previous. I would love to thank her for being a fun, dedicated mom. I am sad this defective heart gene took her so young. But the medical field is better now, so much better. Life is precious and life is short.
Life is FILLED with blessings. I am off to soak some of mine up...


Natasha said...

That picture of the hearts.... I need a copy. These matters of the heart, they are hard to understand. But God uses them doesn't He, I see him working. And as long as I can see that and feel that, it's all I need.

Leah said...

We are hopeful and praying!

Maria said...

So well said, Michele and Natasha! I pray for both of you as you walk this journey.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...