Saturday, May 31, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

The kids made some fun cousin memories Memorial Day weekend. 
Brielle and Hazel

Campfire fun


Three on three basketball tourney

Merit played in this tournament. Street ball downtown was fun!

Matt, Amara, Lesha and Oren

Cousins, s'mores, beautiful weather...

Oren likes to do "talking texts"

Lovin' Uncle Matt snuggles

Oren is a little scared of Nellie, mainly because Nellie takes any food he drops! 
He is not a fan of dogs, big or small.
Getting a group shot of this gang is a challenge! :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Oren Paul

Oren has been so content, so sweet. 
People fall in love with him when they meet him.
He gives the best snuggles. 
Celebrating him was very fun! 

Oren LOVES frozen yogurt and berries, so
 this was his Birthday TREAT! :) 
He hasn't had many sweets at all and I am really not ready to introduce him to cake. 
I love it that he loves all the foods that are good for him. :) 

"Shop Parties" are the best. We find ourselves hanging out in our shop a lot! During all four seasons. 

I am so thankful to God for Oren Paul. 
He is just a lot of sunshine! :) 

We had a really nice Memorial Day Weekend. Lesha and kids and Matt were here.
Merit played in a 3 on 3 basketball tourney. 
The weather was great! 
The kids had a lot of fun making memories with their cousins.
Pictures to come...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday sweet boy!!!

On May 20th, 2013 Oren Paul joined our family. I had a very smooth pregnancy. His birth was a scheduled C-section. That Monday morning, Grandma Kris arrived to the house at 6:30 a.m. There was a lot of excitement and anticipation here. :) Vance and I headed to the hospital. We were so excited to meet our baby boy!! The care I received at the hospital was excellent. 
Our baby arrived as planned, the C-section went great and so quickly we were holding our 9 pound beautiful baby boy. Oh that feeling!! Seeing him for the 1st time! We went to the hospital with about ten boy names. Jelt was my first choice. (My grandfather's name) Vance liked the name Jelt, but Vance always likes to meet our babies first to see what name will fit. As far as names go, Vance didn't have a first choice. The next day our sweet son still had no name. Vance liked the idea of a name beginning with the letter O. Our list didn't have any O names on it. :) Soon, Vance came up with Oren Paul. It fits him well. O.P., O.P.J., Little O, Oren and Oren Paul are what we call him.
God has certainly blessed us with this wonderful gift! 
His siblings have been incredible. Hazel is the best big sister I could have ever imagined. Oren's life is busy with three older siblings. Oren has been to many sports events and baseball tournaments! He has camped a lot already in his first year.He has a lot of people who love him. I was reflecting this past weekend on how our "baseball family" loves him so much. This has been a JOY for me to watch! 
Oren is army crawling all over now. Yesterday he crawled more than ever. He loves being held.  He is a social baby. He loves snuggles. He likes baseball. He is timid when it comes to dogs. 
He likes kids. He is a terrific eater. He has a very sweet personality.
We are so thankful for this guy!!! What a sweet blessing he is.

Happy 1st Birthday Oren Paul!!! 

These two conversing, their relationship is so special.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Soak it up, Spring nights, Making Memories

hazel jane

Our niece, Molly, graduated from high school last night. I remember very well when she was Hazel's age! I remember playing cats with her. I remember her imagining, dressing up like a princess, dressing her cat up. I remember her smile at four and her laughter. 
Time flies! I am soaking these moments up.
Now Molly is a beautiful young woman, headed for college in Montana! 

My good friend Shelli's daughter graduates soon too. 
I also remember when Hailey was 2,3,4... I can't believe these girls are 18.
It has been so fun to watch them grow up.

I have always loved summer nights, but this spring we have had some of the most beautiful spring evenings.
Also, usually during spring baseball several evenings we are bundled up with jackets and blankets. 
This spring, our "baseball weather" has been the best in years. 
It has been so comfortable to sit on a blanket or push Oren in the stroller and watch the boys play.
The boys have both had really good seasons. Willem LOVES playing! It is his first year and it is fun to see him out there.

We have had some busy days lately. My to do list is long. 
But I treasure evenings like these (the above photo was taken on Mother's Day - Sunday evening).

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day Weekend

Mother's Day Weekend

I am thankful for these FOUR! 
God has blessed us with four children, each so unique and fun. 
I loved watching them love one another this weekend. They ran and played for hours and hours outside.
We all worked in the garden. Merit and Willem even have a small garden of their own.

Hazel adores Oren. 
I could not imagine a better big sister. 

Oren is at a very fun age! He has started to crawl! 
Willem and Hazel spent a lot of time playing outside together.

Mother's Day was beautiful so we just spent all day outside. 
Hazel picked me flowers throughout the weekend. :)
Merit and Willem both made me gifts at school. The gifts were really made with love. 

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...