Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Enjoying Time at Home

I had a little time down at the cabin with Hazel over the past week. We did a button hunt yesterday. Button hunts became popular when Willem was two or three years old. :) I would hide buttons all over our little cabin and then he would hunt for them. Now, Hazel loves hunting for buttons! 

time at the quiet cabin as the sun shines in is precious time

H, O and I went to Goodwill the other morning. We found lots of treasures. 
I love putting old forks in baskets of succulents or little flower pots as seen below. :)
Kris gave me a succulent basket a few years ago that she had found at a garden store or show in Seattle. It had a fork stuck in the dirt with a little raffia tied around it. Our Goodwill sells forks 6 for $1.99. Kind of a fun little addition.

"Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce."
Jeremiah 29:5 

... "You who dwell in the gardens with friends in attendance, let me hear your voice!"
Song of Solomon 8:13 

Gardening and  painting are pretty much two of our favorite things around here. Right now the little ones are watching a show while I swap out the laundry, blog and make a couple of phone calls regarding my teaching certificate. I am trying to keep it current... but making time for homework is hard! I am so glad I have my lifelong substitute certificate. I think it would be good to get back into the classroom just a little bit.

We'll get outside later and enjoy another sunny day...


Tami said...

I love this post! The pictures, the verses, the kiddos are all wonderful. Enjoy every minute!

Natasha said...

I love the verses! So appropriate! Wish I could hang out at the cabin with you!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...