Thursday, April 24, 2014

Better Attitude, Good Friends, Enjoying these Kids

Thanking God for a better attitude this week! This week is as busy as last, but I am facing it with joy. Choosing Joy. I have to keep at it. I am really thankful this week for encouraging friends, also for my sisters. Visits with Maria and Caryn this week were so fun... and needed! A long visit with my friend Shelli while we watched our sons play baseball (opposing teams :) was great! And today I got phone time with Katie Allred! Love these girls! 

Willem Vance

For three and half years we have watched Merit play baseball. His team spirit, his drive and his competitive nature has made it so, so fun. Not to mention he has some skills.

Now we have Willem playing! His first game was Monday. His fielding and hitting were pretty impressive. I could spend many, many hours at the ball parks. And I do! :) The friends we have made and the team spirit we are a part of feels good. Merit has lots of hours of baseball under his belt, he has an intensity on the field that makes me proud.He had one of his best games Tuesday night.

And now to see Willem out there!! He was quite focused and he played well. 

Ohh and here are just a few of the really cute fans.
Oren, Kendal and Hazel

Hazel sometimes looks like my mom to me. But she has my eyes, my dad's eyes... 
These two, Kendal and Hazel are a couple of sweet, adorable girls.


Katie said...

Always such great pictures! I wish our boys were on the same team, we'd get more visiting time in and the little ones would have hours of playing at games... Willem looks like his big bro out there to me! Glad we got to catch up this morning too, thankful for you friend!

Worsham Family said...

I was just thinking how much I enjoyed our visit this week, a real bright spot! Plus its fun to watch our boys play ball together!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...