Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dreaming about spring, but enjoying days of winter

Garden girl, enjoying working the land, dreaming about starting seeds and drinking a little hot apple cider. :) 

Our weekend was great. Matt and Phil were here! So fun to have them. Lots of laughs and good visiting.

Recent Days...

so then I find myself dreaming of GREEN, of days outside, barefoot, of spring blooms and 
summer flowers...

But we aren't there YET! And that's okay. There is something pretty great about winter too.
Quiet and cozy.Time inside with cozy fires and babies on my lap.
More time for reading and it is easier to go to bed early...

Yesterday we had a snow/ice day in Moses Lake. 
NO school for Merit and Will. So we had a really
nice day at home. Our days of gardening seem far off all of a sudden.

Everyone should be THIS excited about a "NO SCHOOL DAY!"

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Oh gardening, I am excited for spring! I love that verse you put on that picture! I love all of Jeremiah 29, how it talks about even though they weren't in the land they belonged in, God told them to thrive there, plant, have children, etc. Sometimes I feel that way about this earth, but God wants us to plant, have children, thrive here, even though it isn't our home!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...