Monday, March 17, 2014

Baseball, Baby Boy, Our Weekend

This baby is so sweet and happy. 
He is a little dream.

Squishy, chunky thighs... sweetness

We headed to Pasco on Friday for some baseball fun! 
Merit did great pitching. It is fun to see these guys back out on the field.
We'll hope to do better next tournament. Our boys seemed a little "rusty" -- 
It is great to watch these kids play and I think with more practice and after getting back into the "swing of things" ;), we'll do better.

Oren gets lots of snuggles from the fans! 
(Rita is holding him here)
And Hazel always checks in on him! And gives him a little kiss. :) 

Camping was really fun! We love the camping space we have. The kids 
brought their bikes. They played, biked around, had a ball!  Oren slept great in the porta crib. We were 
able to camp with baseball friends. The weather was a little windy, but otherwise nice.

We have a lot more baseball in our near future! Merit and Willem will play this spring! 

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